I will be taking a look at analytics the professor's brewing company...
From the screenshots posted, I can gather a few points of interest.
Firstly, I see that even though your total page views are down, your actions on the page saw an increase. This is a positive sign, as it shows greater interactivity in your recent posts. Though we would prefer to see an increase in page views, this could have been caused by numerous factors. The actions on the page however are completely dependent on the end-user and are more valuable and more impressive due to the circumstances.
Secondly, I saw that your 5 recent posts had interesting trends. Your page seems to be on a steady uphill grind, with consistent gains in reactions, comments and shares. Thoough the reach is inconsistent between all posts and is not representative of the positive uphill nature of the engagement. This can be related to the first point in a sense that a higher percentage of people are engaging with your content on average, without having the same amount of reach. This can be due to other factors, but is most notibly the effectiveness in your content and captions.
Another point of interest is the reach you are garnering. It seems to be about half paid and half organic, with it leaning towards paid for some areas. This is extremely good, as the average organic reach for a post is 5.2%. This is very surprising but just goes to show the loyal following and well produced content the page has to offer.
Getting shares on posts is so effective but very challenging to do so. The more shares you get equates to higher organic reach, which is ideal. For this page all of the interactions go though peaks and valleys, but the shares ride the bottom. Increasing shares could be in a form of tagging giveaways, like limit rewards for posts, and other enticing content to get friends/family talking about your business.
This is common among many businesses Facebook metrics, but the time of which you post your content will dramatically affect your reach. As you can see on the chart, there is a sharp increase of interactivity among your followers from ~ 8 A.M, then declines at 9 P.M. Posting content in those dead zone hours would be foolish and cause your post to go unseen for most. It is important to be mindful of this, and a good example of ways to improve methods as more data is collected on your following.
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