1st Post!


As you can see, I chose a dark theme that takes on a more minimalist design approach compared to the others I saw. Minimalist designs have always caught my eye and have always gravitated to. The uncluttered look with the focus on content is most important to me. 

I chose a mint green accent color, and this was on purpose. First off, it's just a pleasing color to me. The color reminds me of mint chocolate chip ice cream, which is fire. And because money is green, and who doesn't love money. 

I am also a huge proponent of dark-themed apps and websites. Websites that utilize many bright colors can be incredibly annoying to view at night. I also prefer the aesthetic dark colors with bright accents; it gives the reader more direction when viewing the website. Though it might not matter too much for a mainly text-based blog, having whatever you want to be showcased should be the brightest thing on-screen.

In my mind, they are some platforms geared towards business growth. Facebook is a site that even though most of my generation (Gen Z) doesn't use, the user base is incredibly huge, and that's not accounting for the massive Instagram population as well. Their SEO tools and sheer size makes Facebook always a good option. As for personal use, I use Instagram quite a bit, but Facebook, in my eyes, is for the older generation. 

Twitter is an interesting one to me when it comes to business. It doesn't have the size of the popularity as the others do. But Twitter brings an interesting dynamic in that if you make a very successful advertising campaign that people enjoy and repost, it can trend. "Trends for You" is a personalized list of trending topics that Twitter thinks you might want to see. This is unique; say you are trendy within a particular community, essentially free exposure to your business. The trends don't have to be big to show up either, meaning Twitter is gaining lots of info on you. This means if your business shows up on a "Trending for You" page, there is a good likelihood that the individual is a potential prospect.

YouTube (part of the Google ad system) is another big player in the game. It adds a lot of flexibility in what type of ads can be displayed. It can be a sponsored video thumbnail that will pop up on your feed as promotional content. People who click on that video will be sent to that video, which may have clickable links for easy buying opportunities. YouTube also allows pre-rolls and mid-rolls of ads, along with ads at the very end of the video in certain circumstances. An option can be made to make an ad skippable after five seconds. This allows the ad to run for cheaper while still allowing yourself to be viewed by many people. This would be my personal favorite place to advertise, as my video editing skills would most likely translate to those watching/creating on YouTube.

PS: If I could rid of that background picture at the top I would, I'm not sure how to get rid of it though...


  1. Hi Dan,

    I too prefer darker themes for similar reasons (they are also easier on my eyes). I think you nailed the minimalist look, especially by choosing a mint green accent. It gives everything a subtle pop, making it clear, but not overwhelming.

    In my post I went on to discuss a little about why the platforms a company chooses to go with should be dependent on their marketing goals. In addition, one tactic that works on one site may not work on another. I do find interesting to be rather unique as you can provide endless links, time stamps, and tags to help others out.

    Good luck,


  2. I have to say, I was confused at first when I clicked your blog because I wasn't sure where the first post was. The picture confused me. But obviously it wasn't too difficult considering I'm here now commenting. I like that yours is dark, with a contrasting white font. It makes it easy to read. It definitely has a different vibe than a lot of the other blogs I've clicked on.


  3. I thought my computer was tripping out because the format of this was different than any of the other blogs haha. In regards to your ideas about the platforms. It depends what type of service you sell, your offer, niche, etc. There are a lot of things that work more on Facebook and others that work better on Instagram. Hopefully Facebook finds a way to figure out how to by pass Apple's IOS 14 rules though. Pretty much will mess up the way FB ads will work

  4. Hi Daniel! Personally, the theme of your blog caught me off guard at first! It was a tad bit difficult to find your first post, and as Joey commented above, I had trouble finding the first post. I am personally not a fan of darker themes and pages, but I really appreciated your intentionality with choosing the colors that you did!

  5. Hello Daniel,

    This theme was a good choice for a Blog that will hold a strong focus with written text. There is nothing else going on making it easy for readers to find what they need and settle their eyes in comfortably. The minimalist look is perfect I feel for blogging, short stories, fanfics or online reading in general.

    I enjoyed your write ups on the social media sites. The Trending Now algorithm is very underestimated. As a very active user I will sometimes get bored of scrolling my follows and check out the Trending Page and I'm usually pleasantly surprised. A great way to influence this is to encourage interactions with a brand, object, movement or business by talking about it or having a giveaway. Or there are other options to light a spark that will cause a notice in trend.


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