Week 4 Part B: Defining YOUR Target Market

   DJE Advertising, a social media consultant business with an additional content creation faction, is a business that focuses on helping small businesses. The target market for my company is SBOs who don't have a full grasp of social media. This includes businesses that don't even have a presence at all. Businesses whose primary revenue stream comes from e-commerce are ideal. This is because those who view social media are more likely to click a link and buy something rather than physically go to a brick-and-mortar store. The added insights and metrics collected through this medium are unparalleled. Small businesses are particularly attractive since it is more likely they don't have a presence online. Though if the business does have accounts and such, I would be looking for low-post output and very low engagement. This includes the business I was talking about earlier, Hungry Bear. They have a business that would be perfect for marketing, considering they have an abundance of high-quality photos along with a very marketable bear mascot/logo.

   The only demographic that I would be targeting is older-aged business owners. In general, the older generation is less intuned with technology as a whole. Therefore, they are less inclined to start using social media due to their current lack of knowledge. These folks may not fully understand the complex internet culture, norms, and trends to market themselves successfully and efficiently. It would be ideal if the business owner were middle or high class, as more capital would be available to market the business. 

   Geographic factors shouldn't affect my service, though it would be ideal if it were in the LA/SD/OC area for various reasons. Though, location is becoming less of a factor, especially with the proliferation of video conferencing. It now has become the norm to meet clients online. Social media jobs are very flexible as distance doesn't bear too much of an issue. This is very advantageous, as my potential client pool is virtually limitless. 

   Some psychographics I would be looking for in clients are experimental, busy, private owners who value the power of social media and the new generation. Business owners need to be willing to invest money in social media, which could pose a mental barrier. This is why looking for owners who are accustomed to thinking outside the box would be a more consistent bet but doesn't necessarily need to be the case. Simply any business that needs to make its mark on the internet would be a potential customer. 
