Week 12 Part B: Business Specific Tools

 Research Groups on Linked In. Is there any group that could help you with your business? There are many Social Media Groups - This is a good way to keep up to date with the latest information. If you join any or find any of interest, let us know

I requested to join numerous UI/UX (User Interface/User Experience) groups since they will have great insight on how to navigate this new industry. A lot of fields are able to direct you to certain programs, degrees, education sources. But UI/UX is such a new field that not much is documented or taught currently. That is why connecting with these people and seeing how they got certain jobs/qualifications in the industry is super important. 

Music Sites - If you are a musician have you thought of posting your music on any of these sites? SoundCloud, Reverb Nation, Bandcamp, Spotify. Do you know of or use any others? Discuss.
I used to post my very mediocre songs onto Soundcloud which is a great platform for a hobbyist or someone trying to break into the industry. If you have real talent but haven't quite harnessed all of it yet, Bandcamp is a great way to start getting some money from your music without trying to go through traditional/harder methods. Spotify while it isn't hard to get on there, requires some money and time that most don't have. If you are looking to take your music career to the next level, Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube Music, Itunes, among others are going to be a necessity. 

Streaming Content - From a variety of subjects such as online game playing, live music, and so much more... Streaming content can be an option for some. Twitch is an online service for watching and streaming video broadcasts. If your content is interesting enough it may also become an online streaming money source. TikTok, although controversial, has led some to build a strong virtual presence.
Twitch is a massive platform that many have flocked to over the last year or so (with traditional sports and evens being canceled due to Covid). The platform is bigger than ever, but that can also mean more competition. You really need to be honest with yourself with how much you would be able to stream. If you are looking to gain a big Twitch following, constantly streaming is hard but the most effective way to get followers. If you are just promoting your Twitch on other platforms, many aren't going to follow through because it is based on Livestreaming, meaning you have to be streaming. Other platforms such as TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, all have live streaming capabilities that can notify your followers and allow your account to grow to new heights. I recommend taking a closer look into what specifically you want to achieve by livestreaming, then choosing the appropriate service(s) from there. 

Yelp: If you have a real business, have you set up your Yelp account? Do you have Yelp reviews? Check out some Yelp reviews on businesses similar to yours. Does Yelp have an impact? Is it more important for some businesses than others?
Yelp has a major impact of all businesses. Even if it isn't on Yelp it is affecting it, since most established and reputable businesses have a Yelp page by now. There are certain things you NEED to watch out for in the review website space. Fake negative and positive reviews are incredibly common and can often mislead potential customers in their decision-making process. One negative review can be a deciding factor in whether to support that business or not, so you have to be villigant and on top of it when dealing with Yelp and other review sites. 

MeetUp Groups - Reach out and find Meet Up groups that are related to your business, as a way to reach out to others, or as a way to learn something new. A great tool for connecting to others.
I have yet to sign up for one, but this seems like a very intriguing idea, I've always struggled to find people with the same professional interests as me, and it's even harder to find people to give you good advice. These services such as MeetUp and other similar tools allow you to easily get connected with those who are in the same boat/have great insight. Connections is everything in this world. If you have all the talent in the world but don;t have the right people to show it to, you likely aren't going to succeed. Not only that, but surrounding yourself with like minded people will help you grow and get 

OTHERS: If you are already using other online tools and know about them, add information in your blog post to share.
UpWork is a good service if you are a freelancer looking for work online. I used to get work from there when I used to video edit. It will take a percentage of your earnings, but is a very useful tool if you are trying to connect with others in your field. If you do a well enough job and make a good impression on your client, working outside of UpWork is always the best option, as you get them to microcommit to your services. 
