The colors are very vibrant and have consistent with the rest of their content. Imagery is eye-popping and makes you want to stop scrolling. Text is readable but doesn't overpower the focus of the advertisement. When I clicked on the links it sent me to their websites where they then had a call to action button. Another thing I noticed about the ads is the creative ways they can inform you on their product/service that works organically with the visual. If it was an app ad, having a few screenshots along with different elements being interacted with the subject is a creative way to show real-life use of the app.
Print advertisements have several differences compared to their social media counterpart. The first thing I noticed was the smaller text on print media. This could be due to multiple reasons but is most consistent with what I viewed. This smaller text is a more viable option due to the physical nature of the advertisement, you can bring it closer without losing visual fidelity or looking very weird holding it close. More blocks of text were used, being able to inform the viewer of more content. Social media allows you to easily view more content/gather more info on advertisements. Physical media needs to give you a bit more substance because there isn't that convenience, rather they have to really sell you and grab your attention using their ads. This among other reasons is why I think social media is more effective in advertising. Social media also allows you to target specific groups of people who have shown previous interests in that area. This alone should be a reason to focus on social media, as the people being shown your content are way more likely to be in your customer realm.
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