Week 13 PartB: Developing Online Advertising

 Make screen shots of your ads and include them into your blog post. Explain why they would be effective.

This ad would be effective because it is showcasing the ability to market clothing, which is a huge market and a good one to explore as a marketer. This ad gives off a very simplistic and minimalistic design, which is preferred for most clothing sites/content. The squares going down the picture signifies the "cross" in the business name, which is a reference to the cross-pollination of different mediums this (fictional) agency operates on 

This ad is trying to get to convey to the prospect that a team behind you will always be more capable of greater things. Getting a business to commit to a marketing agency is tedious and risky. We want to appear and act like we are supplying them with ample man-hours and personnel to handle whatever marketing plan that could be asked or developed.  

Explain in your post: What is an objective? Explain which type of ad objective makes the most sense for your business and why.

I feel like I'm trying to find an identity for my brand still, and so my objective for this post is to create some type of consistency with my content. Along with that is another objective which is to 
